Friday, February 11, 2011

Two robins

Egypt has entered a new phase. I am reflecting, and wondering, the people of that nation have a long road ahead, hopefully peaceful. I look for someone to talk to about events. Tunisia and now Egypt, exciting times for the middle east. An area where some of the first and largest of ancient civilizations developed. I engage some co-workers, surprised by their lack of knowledge or awareness of what is happening in the world.

Distracted by small birds in the trees out the window.

Reading a email from a friend who has found love. I hardly recognize him.

Distracted by small birds.

How long and how fast life changes.

Our scanner/printer is not operating correctly, my train of thought is interrupted by an announcement from the front desk. 80's on the radio today.

Life is short and long. Short intense bits of happiness punctuate long periods of dull time.

A larger bird, a robin joins the small birds. Generally gray skies outside.

I scan the photos of parties in the streets in Cairo. I wonder at the hard work to come for these people. I hope we see more dictators fall to peaceful public uprisings.

Do birds talk to each other?

Again I wonder if my friend has never been in love before? How many times has this happened? Dopamine cycles in the brain. That rush of chemicals.

Analytical musings.

The work I do has diminished in importance.

Two robins!

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